Chamber Resonance: Studio 2 Music Salon 樂有所思:二號錄音室音樂沙龍 Every first Saturday at 8pm from May to November 5月至11月 每月首個星期六晚上8時 Radio 4 proudly presents to you seven recitals of Hong Kong’s own distinguished musicians on our 50th anniversary. Join them in Studio 2 as they share their artistic visions and life stories with us. 在第四台五十週年之際,我們邀請七位一直在港深耕的音樂家,來到香港電台二號錄音室,留下他們藝術成就的記錄,並透過對談分享他們的演奏思路。 All tickets of Julie Kuok's recital on 7th September have been distributed. Thanks for your support. 9月7日郭品文演奏會的門票已經派發完畢,多謝支持。 4/5 Rachel Cheung (piano) 張緯晴 (鋼琴) 1/6 Colleen Lee (piano) 李嘉齡 (鋼琴) 6/7 Zhang Ying (pipa) 張瑩 (琵琶) 3/8 Loo Sze-wang (sheng) 盧思泓 (笙) 7/9 Julie Kuok (piano) 郭品文 (鋼琴) 5/10 Dan Yu (harp) 于丹 (豎琴) 2/11 Kitty Cheung (violin) 張文蕊 (小提琴)
新的未來要求我們改變生活方式和地點,從智慧城市和捕獲二氧化碳,以至重新野化地球,本集將探索人類如何重新設計、恢復和再生未來的地球。 建立花園城市、海綿城市、轉廢為能、復原紅樹林,甚至把二氧化碳轉化為石頭,各地專家正發揮渾身解數,各施其技去保護人類的棲息地,讓我們可以像其他物種,在這片土地上泰然自若地生存及生活。 雙語廣播: 粵語/英語 (電視版) 播出時間: (首播) 2024年10月21日 星期二晚上10時30分 The mission to power the future is underway. Discover world-leading solutions; from supersized renewables to redesigning the grid, and the quest for a potentially limitless energy source. The way we use earth's resources is destructive, but a rethink can prevent more damage. By redesigning our cities, changing how we use waste and restoring our natural ecosystems, humans and nature can live in harmony on a healthy Earth. Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version) Time: (First run) 2024.10.21 TUE 10:30pm
香港管弦樂團於五十年前正式職業化,並在1974年首場音樂會上演奏了貝多芬《艾格蒙》序曲以及柴可夫斯基第五交響曲,為樂團揭開歷史新一頁。五十年後同一周末,港樂選奏這兩部作品,以誌金禧。 作為《演藝盛薈.開放舞台:港樂50周年》系列首集,指揮普加(Andris Poga)聯同女高音鄺勵齡及葉葆菁、女中音張吟晶、男高音陳永及曾鈺棋、低男中音黃日珩、鋼琴家張緯晴和港樂合唱團,上演貝多芬的《合唱幻想曲》。 曲目 貝多芬《艾格蒙》序曲 貝多芬《合唱幻想曲》 柴可夫斯基第五交響曲
香港學界精英雲集,以富中國特色的項目,於舞台上宏揚中華文化。在教育局支持下,學界每年舉辦學校音樂節、朗誦節、舞蹈節以及戲劇節,培育不少表演藝術人才,得獎者聚首一堂,於舞台上大放異彩。 曲目 《九霄龍吟》中國鼓 滬江小學 《梨園俏妞妞(漢族)》中國舞(三人舞) 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學(小學部) 《news feature presentation》 九龍真光中學 《山歌》中阮獨奏 喇沙書院 《鐵馬銀婚-長句滾花、反線中板、爽中板》粵曲(師傅伴奏) 聖公會聖馬利亞堂莫慶堯中學 《獅子娶新娘》粵語說故事 仁濟醫院蔡衍濤小學 《山魅(傣族)》中國舞(群舞) 沙田蘇浙公學 《大海啊,故鄉》合唱 中華基督教會基灣小學(愛蝶灣)
目前,全球大約八成能源以化石燃料產生,令溫室氣體釋放至大氣,加劇地球暖化。乾旱、風暴、洪水隨之而增加,恐怕將導玫地球變得不再宜居。然而不少世界頂尖專家認為,若人類於 2050 年前,能將九成能源變為來自再生能源,或有機會力挽狂瀾。因此,他們積極創造一個由潔淨能源驅動的未來。透過重新設計城市、淨化大氣、改變廢物利用的方法,以恢復自然生態系統,人類才能跟大自然在一個健康的地球和諧共處,令地球繼續宜居。 本集會探究世界最先進、超大型的再生能源計劃、重新設計的電網系統,以及對潛在無限能源的追求。 雙語廣播: 粵語/英語 (電視版) 播出時間: (首播) 2024年9月30日 星期二晚上10時30分 The mission to power the future is underway. Discover world-leading solutions; from supersized renewables to redesigning the grid, and the quest for a potentially limitless energy source. The way we use earth's resources is destructive, but a rethink can prevent more damage. By redesigning our cities, changing how we use waste and restoring our natural ecosystems, humans and nature can live in harmony on a healthy Earth. Bilingual: Cantonese/ English (TV Version) Time: (First run) 2024.09.30 TUE 10:30pm
Explore the musical world stemming from the perspective of the five traditional Chinese elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth). The initial inspiration for this series is the eponymous work by Chinese composer Chen Qigang. His work Wu Xing (in English, Five Elements) is a suite for orchestra written in 1999, commissioned by Radio France. Episode (4) Fire – the element associated with Hell and the Underworld that makes for some of the most gripping passages in music, one of them being the Dies Irae
兩位葡萄牙鋼琴家馬里奧·拉真雅和佩德羅·布美斯達以二重奏形式,在高秉根基金會的「鋼琴狂熱」音樂節中演奏,曲目包括拉真雅的《第一雙鋼琴協奏曲》和蕭邦的《G小調第一敘事曲》。 播放頻道: 港台電視31 播出時間: (首播) 2024年9月21日 星期六 中午1時 Two Portuguese pianists: Mário Laginha and Pedro Burmester played as a duo at Gulbenkian Música during the festival Pianomania in a programme that featured Mário Laginha’s Concerto for Two Pianos and different interpretations of Chopin’s Ballad No. 1. Channel: RTHK 31 Time: (First Run) 2024.9.21 SAT 1:00pm
After a thrilling third series of the BAFTA award winning adventure our five pairs return to reflect on the adventure of a lifetime – across Canada. Tonight, they reunite for the first time since the race ended to reveal fascinating insights into their different strategies and individual experiences - from their highest highs to their lowest lows, from money woes to emotional breakdowns, from the hardships of travel to the kindness of strangers, and perhaps most importantly their moments of self-discovery. The confessions continue as they reveal their first impressions of each other and how these changed as the competition between them grew fiercer. Has the unbreakable bond they formed as a group held strong after the race? Or have old rivalries re-emerged? What has happened since returning to the UK? One thing is certain – the lives of all who took part have been changed for good. This one-off special will offer a truly unique, captivating, behind-the-scenes look into how these intrepid travellers coped with the trials and tribulations of this incredible, life-affirming race and the impact it’s had on them and their relationship.
BBC Proms 2022 - Mozart Momentum 1 英國廣播公司逍遙音樂節2022:莫扎特動力1 Mahler Chamber Orchestra / Leif Ove Andsnes (piano/director) 馬勒室樂團 / 安斯涅斯(鋼琴/領奏) MOZART Overture to The Marriage of Figaro Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K. 466 Piano Concerto No. 22 in E flat major, K. 482 莫扎特 《費加洛的婚禮》序曲 4’ D小調第二十鋼琴協奏曲,K. 466 31’ 降E大調第二十二鋼琴協奏曲,K. 482 33’ Recorded at Royal Albert Hall, London on 7/8/2022. 2022年8月7日倫敦皇家阿爾拔音樂廳錄音。